New materials for education on development of water and sanitation plans
Trough a project "Water & Sanitation Safety Planning: Risk management for water, sanitation & microplastics in Bosnia-Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Albania, Serbia & Romania a set of 3+1 compendium for development of WSSP in rural schools.
Overblown job promises in southeast Europe's coal sector show the need for a just transition - report
Promises for new jobs in south-east Europe’s coal sector are exaggerated, a new Bankwatch report reveals. Hardly any coal operations across the region are economically viable, and as a result many coal workers, especially in the mines, are set to lose their jobs, even if the plans for countless new power plants materialise. Governments, coal workers and their wider communities need to work together towards a just transition.
BiH da ratifikuje i počne da primjenjuje Pariški sporazum, a Vlade FBiH i RS da odustanu od izgradnje novih termoelektrana
BRISEL / SARAJEVO / BANJA LUKA, 4. novembar 2016. Pariški sporazum o klimatskim promjenama danas stupa na snagu, dok u ponedeljak 7. novembra u Marakešu počinje 22. Konferencija UN o klimatskim promjenama. Centar za životnu sredinu, Centar za ekologiju i energiju, Ekotim [1] i Evropska mreža nevladinih organizacija koje se bave klimatskim promenama – CAN Europe [2] pozivaju nadležne organe Bosne i Hercegovine da hitno pristupe ratifikaciji Pariškog sporazuma, ali i da pokažu spremnost na njegovu dosljednu primjenu, tako što će odustati od izgradnje novih termoelektrana na ugalj.
Persistent Organic Pollutants in Free Range Chicken Eggs from Western Balkan countries
Eggs are sensitive indicators of persistent organic pollutants contamination in soils or dust and are an important exposure pathway from soil pollution to humans, and eggs from contaminated areas can readily lead to exposures which exceed thresholds for the protection of human health.
Coal’s unpaid health bill in Bosnia & Herzegovina estimated at €3.1 billion
Sarajevo/Brussels, 15 March 2016 – First-ever estimates of the health costs associated with air pollution from coal power plants in Bosnia and Herzegovina are released today as part of a report covering the Western Balkans region produced by the Health and Environment Alliance, a European non-profit alliance.
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